Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summerslam Preview 2012

Pre-Show: Antonio Cesaro vs Santino Marella (US Title Match)
 This should be an okay match to kick off Summerslam. Both of these men are great in the ring, and this match should warm us all up for what we're looking forward to. I don't think we'll see a title change here, and Santino will most likely pull off a lucky victory with a roll up or a Cobra after a distraction. This feud will most likely continue after Summerslam,and hopefully pick up more steam.

My Pick: Santino Marella

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs The Prime Time Players (Tag Team Championship)
 Could it be? A tag team title match on a PPV? Yes, but with poor build up. With AW being the main attraction in this feud, it has become awkward without him.With that being said, I think this will be a decent match. I predict we will finally see a title change, and The Prime Time Players will finally have some gold around their waist after everything is said and done. This victory will most likely occur with some cheating and heelish tactics,but nonetheless a win for Darren Young and Titus O'Neill.

My Pick: The Prime Time Players

The Miz vs Rey Mysterio (IC Championship)
This match seems as though it was put together on the fly. Absolutely no build up, or anything of that nature, but look forward to a great match between two great wrestlers. Rey Mysterio is a great high flyer, and when he clashes with The Miz's grapple-based offense, this will be a memorable match between the two. I don't think we'll see a title change here, but we will see some classic Miz heel tactics to get the win.

My Pick : The Miz

Kane vs Daniel Bryan
At first, I was weary about this match, but it has grown on me. Daniel Bryan's character is amazing, and his clashing with AJ and Kane has progressed it even farther. This will be a decent match between the two, who are both great workers, but I think the main focus of this match is AJ. She was the one who started this mess, and she will most likely finish it up by distracting Bryan and allowing Kane to win, making Daniel Bryan even more crazy than he already is.
My Pick: Kane

Chris Jericho vs Dolph Ziggler 
 I can't wait to see this match between two amazing wrestlers. I think the build up has been decent, with Jericho going back to his Y2J persona, and Ziggler becoming a better and better heel. This will be a classic match, and with Ziggler most likely standing tall after everything is said and done. With Jericho most likely leaving after tonight, he will put Ziggler over so he will become a legitimate World Champion.
My Pick: Dolph Ziggler 

CM Punk vs John Cena vs Big Show (WWE Title Match) 
 CM Punk's great heel turn is the only thing going for this match. Big Show and John Cena have been average these past few weeks, but CM Punk has been a shining star. This should be an awesome match, and hopefully they go the no DQ way with this match, but nonetheless, it will be a highlight of the night.I predict that Punk retains and holds the title until the Royal Rumble, where he will face The Rock.
My Pick: CM Punk

Alberto Del Rio vs Sheamus
 This is more of the same from these two. The build up has been so weird and confusing, making my expectations for this match very low.Sheamus will win in triumphant fashion, like always. Hopefully, we will see a shake up in the WWE, with Dolph Ziggler possibly cashing in. 
My Pick: Sheamus

Triple H vs Brock Lesnar
 Fantastic build for this match, and I can't wait to see an awesome grudge match between these two beasts. This match will be a grueling brawl, and the beauty of it is that it could go either way.I think Lesnar is the better choice for a victor in this match, and I believe he will end up pulling it off.
My Pick: Brock Lesnar

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Fave Five

5. Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho has been going back to his old Y2J ways lately, with bringing out the Highlight Reel, and using some of his famous catchphrases on Smackdown. I have found Chris Jericho very interesting since he has turned face. With him wearing the pink show off shirt, touting Dolph Ziggler's match on Raw, and his hilarious work on the commentary table, he has become one of the most interesting characters in WWE, and with him most likely leaving after Summerslam, I am going to miss him.

4. Dolph Ziggler
The Show-Off has cracked my Fave Five once again, being the other half to this awesome feud with Jericho. I think Ziggler is one of WWE's best talents, and he is close to getting in to the world title scene. With Chris Jericho leaving soon, Dolph is most likely using him as a platform for that final boost, so he can cash in and become the World Heavyweight Champion. I am also looking forward to a great match between these two great in-ring talents, and possibly a cash in.
3. Damien Sandow
Mr. Sandow has one again been bestowed with the honor of being in my top 5 favorite wrestlers. He is becoming even more heel-like with his recent attack on Brodus Clay (Thank you, Damien), and hopefully if he and the Funkasaurus feud, it will be a good clash of styles, making Brodus Clay more bearable. If he uses this to fuel his fire,he could start attacking champions, and get a mid card title shot, thus making the US or IC title pictures must-see television.

2. Daniel Bryan
 Daniel Bryan is getting heat with a two letter word. Not too many people can say that, but when it comes to Bryan, he can make a great television segment with his eyes closed. I love how he interacts with the audience and becomes angry at the crowd when they chant Yes. He has taken this cheer from a cheer for him, to a jeer against him, and that is what makes him great. Hopefully, he can salvage something good out of a feud with Kane going in to Summerslam.

1.CM Punk 
  The way Punk is slowly turning heel is amazing, and it leaves you wanting more every single week. The way he cut his promo on Raw was mesmerizing and entertaining, bringing this feud and Punk's character even more towards the peak of excellence. He is getting his spotlight, and he is showing us all why he is the best in the world, and Punk is proving why he has been at the top of my Fave Five for two weeks in a row.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


According to, AW, the manager of The Primetime Players, has been released from WWE. They have wished him well in his future endeavors.

This action was most likely taken because of his joke about Kobe Bryant on Raw when Titus O'Neill was in a match, saying "He was unstoppable, like Kobe Bryant in a hotel in Colorado."

My Thoughts: I think the way they handled this was way too extreme. Of all the other terrible remarks in WWE history, AW's joke shouldn't have gotten him fired. The man wasn't trying to be offensive, he was just making a joke about Titus O'Neill being unstoppable.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wade Barrett Return

BREAKING NEWS: Wade Barrett Returns in Smackdown Dark Match, Defeats Zack Ryder

 It's official, the Barrett Barrage is back in action. On this latest taping of Smackdown, he faced Zack Ryder in a dark match, and defeated him with a Wasteland. Reports are that he cut a heel promo before defeating poor Zack Ryder.

What This Means: I can't wait for Barrett to return onto TV, because he is a great heel character, and with this latest vignette, he looks as though he will be an even tougher heel than he was before he left. Hopefully, Barrett will make his claim for the World Heavyweight Championship. Fear the Beard!

Major Announcement in HHH vs Brock Lesnar And What Happened After Raw

  • This Monday on Raw, Shawn Michaels announced that he will be in his fellow DX member , Triple H's, corner at Summerslam in two weeks when he faces Brock Lesnar.
  •  Also after Raw, there was a video package put together with different superstars talking about Shawn Michaels, with a surprise appearance by the Undertaker, who struggled to stay in character while talking to Shawn, also in the ring, with Michaels and Undertaker, Triple H joked with Shawn Michaels and had some kind words.
  • Tuesday, August 7, 2012

    5 Worst Characters In WWE (Or Lack Thereof)

    5. Sheamus
    I want to like him, I really do, but he is just so boring and uninteresting. He is a great wrestler, don't get me wrong, but he's just not clicking with me. What is his character,exactly? A big, white, and jolly Irishman who calls everyone fella. This isn't exactly a character and he desperately needs something new to rejuvenate it. WWE tried to do this on Raw with him stealing Alberto Del Rio's car, trying to make him seem like a rebel, but Sheamus didn't pull it off very well. If Stone Cold would  have done this, there would have been major buzz, but Sheamus isn't Steve Austin and he needs a character of his own. I think if he would go back to his barbaric heel character, he would get major heat and would be a lot more interesting than a jolly Irishman.

    4. Alberto Del Rio
    This guy needs a character change. Now. Another great wrestler, but he just needs something new, because the extremely rich character isn't working for him. He is pretty much a watered-down version of JBL, and I don''t know why he is always in the main event, because his announcer gets more heat than he does. Del Rio might want to try being a face because driving into the arena in fancy rental cars isn't cutting it. He should probably go back to the mid card, develop a new character, and come back with a vengeance, and in the future he could be one of the top people in the company.

    3.John Cena
    Cena is a heel in face's clothing. He is Mr.Nice Guy, Mr.Never Give Up, Mr. Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. He doesn't have an edge to him, and he's had the same character for God knows how long. If he wants people to cheer him, he needs to start acting more intense instead of kissing babies. I'm not one of those people craving a heel turn, but I do believe his character needs to evolve because he has been stale for a while. He needs to be more of an anti hero because that's what it takes to get the fans behind you right now. He just needs one moment to snap, and then he needs to run with it, just being the company man isn't cutting it.

    2. David Otunga
    His character is a lawyer who graduated from Harvard. That's it. It sounds like a great attorney or someone off "Law and Order", but not a professional wrestler. He has so much potential because he is so well-built and otherwise would be intimidating, but it is slowed down by the fact that he comes down to the ring with a coffee mug and gives legal advice. He needs to start running threw people if he wants to earn the title of being a tough guy, which is a roll he would fit perfectly in.

    1. Brodus Clay 
    Where should I begin? The Funkasauras? Really? His character could have been a monster heel who had a very intense character who you tuned in to every week to see what he's going to do next, but he comes out to Somebody Call My Momma and hails from Planet Funk. I am hoping and praying that this Damien Sandow feud will stop him from being the Funkasauras, so he can start being a T-Rex, and if he does this, I believe he can go from having the worst character in WWE to being very intriguing, but first he has to drop this horrid character and become one that is not as terrible.

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    Monday, August 6, 2012

    4 Ways To Improve WWE

    1. Bring Meaning Back to the World Heavyweight, IC, and US Championships.
    Remember the days when a wrestler held the World Heavyweight title was one of the most feared and envied wrestlers in the WWE. Well, those days are over. At this year's Wrestlemania, the opening World Heavyweight title match lasted 18 seconds. Now what does that tell you? It certainly does make the WHC seem like the second most prestigious title in the company.Now think about the US Title, whose champion is a man with a cobra sock puppet. Not only that, but it wasn't even defended at Wrestlemania. The IC Championship isn't doing so hot either, with a great wrestler as champion, but his title just seems like a little toy that he carries to the ring.
    Now think about what could be happening with those titles if they had meaning to them. The World Heavyweight title matches would be towards the main event and be a solid match, and when Dolph Ziggler cashes in, it won't be just  for a belt, it will be for the second most important title in WWE.
    With all of this new talent,let them win one of the titles and make the IC and US championships interesting again, so instead of filler matches on Raw and PPVs, we would have great matches across the board. So instead of the Funkasaurus or a Tuxedo match,we'll have Damien Sandow and Ryback vying for a title shot and a classic world title match towards the end of the show.

    2. Stop showing recaps and Touts.
    I don't really care what Danny1234 thinks about CM Punk, and I already saw CM Punk's promo from 20 minutes ago, so stop showing them to me for the extra hour you have to kill of Raw. I mean there's so many other things that could be done instead of showing meaningless videos from fans and recaps. For example, have Brodus Clay as a monster heel in a storyline similar to the Hall of Pain instead of squashing jobbers and then dancing (horribly) to "Somebody Call My Momma" or you could give Zack Ryder matches on Raw since he is one of the most over people in the company and have that fill up Raw instead of LilJimmie8743 saying how much he loves John Cena, seriously no one cares.

    3.Establish a Meaningful Tag Team Division
    There are at least two tag matches on every Raw, but hardly ever a tag team championship match on PPV. Why don't these tag teams work together and go after the title? Because the tag team championship is virtually meaningless, and nobody cares about it. Imagine if there was meaning to the title. We would have Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho as champs defending against Cena and Orton instead of Kofi Kingston and R-Truth competing against The Primetime Players (yawn). See much more interesting things got when you actually have legitimate stars chasing the title instead of a tag team that WWE threw together with a couple of nobodies.

    4.Bring back the Divas Division
    What's the point of having a Divas division if they're either not on Raw or have a one minute match? WWE has some great talent in the Divas division: AJ, Beth Phoenix, Layla, Natalya, and Eve, but what do they decide to do with them? They appointed AJ Lee as Raw GM and have Eve in some wierd, ongoing backstage storyline that makes no sense. They could have some great matches with Beth Phoenix and Eve being great heels and AJ being one of the most over people in the company. Layla and Natalya are great wrestlers, but we rarely get to see them shine. If we had a great Divas division, we would have an amazing show all around, and that's all we want as fans, interesting and entertaining shows.

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