I want to like him, I really do, but he is just so boring and uninteresting. He is a great wrestler, don't get me wrong, but he's just not clicking with me. What is his character,exactly? A big, white, and jolly Irishman who calls everyone fella. This isn't exactly a character and he desperately needs something new to rejuvenate it. WWE tried to do this on Raw with him stealing Alberto Del Rio's car, trying to make him seem like a rebel, but Sheamus didn't pull it off very well. If Stone Cold would have done this, there would have been major buzz, but Sheamus isn't Steve Austin and he needs a character of his own. I think if he would go back to his barbaric heel character, he would get major heat and would be a lot more interesting than a jolly Irishman.
4. Alberto Del Rio
This guy needs a character change. Now. Another great wrestler, but he just needs something new, because the extremely rich character isn't working for him. He is pretty much a watered-down version of JBL, and I don''t know why he is always in the main event, because his announcer gets more heat than he does. Del Rio might want to try being a face because driving into the arena in fancy rental cars isn't cutting it. He should probably go back to the mid card, develop a new character, and come back with a vengeance, and in the future he could be one of the top people in the company.
3.John Cena
2. David Otunga
His character is a lawyer who graduated from Harvard. That's it. It sounds like a great attorney or someone off "Law and Order", but not a professional wrestler. He has so much potential because he is so well-built and otherwise would be intimidating, but it is slowed down by the fact that he comes down to the ring with a coffee mug and gives legal advice. He needs to start running threw people if he wants to earn the title of being a tough guy, which is a roll he would fit perfectly in.
1. Brodus Clay
Where should I begin? The Funkasauras? Really? His character could have been a monster heel who had a very intense character who you tuned in to every week to see what he's going to do next, but he comes out to Somebody Call My Momma and hails from Planet Funk. I am hoping and praying that this Damien Sandow feud will stop him from being the Funkasauras, so he can start being a T-Rex, and if he does this, I believe he can go from having the worst character in WWE to being very intriguing, but first he has to drop this horrid character and become one that is not as terrible.
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