Thursday, August 2, 2012

Is The Old CM Punk Back?

During this week's latest episode of Raw, we saw a side of Punk we haven't seen in far too long. We saw him sit in his signature Indian style position and deliver an explosive promo, that was reminiscent of his pipebombs last summer. Even though this looks like last summer's Punk, I think this side of Punk's character is much more intense. He wants to be in the spotlight, which he rightfully deserves after taking the back seat to Cena for all of 2012.

Punk desperately needed this character change, and this was the proper direction to turn him in. For some reason CM Punk is quite more intriguing as a heel than as a babyface. These last few months, Punk's character has become a little stale, but when he delivered the GTS to The Rock on the biggest episode of Raw, he immediately had everyone talking about him, just as everyone was last summer.

CM Punk gave a verbal thrashing to a helpless Jerry the King Lawler. This is where Punk shines.
Just give the man a mic and let him shoot instead of throwing him into a love triangle with a delusional little girl  , a monster,and a "goatface".(What has wrestling come to these days?) Punk's strength is when he shoots, and  WWE has finally recognized that again. Besides the fact that Big Show is in this feud, I am looking forward to how this all plays out in the following weeks.

Punk is now truly the best in the world once again.We already knew that in the ring: he can put on 5 star match without breaking a sweat, but now we see a more intense, rebellious side to his mic skills. This character of his is doing wonders for him and I believe it is as good as or even better than his character last year.

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