Monday, August 6, 2012

4 Ways To Improve WWE

1. Bring Meaning Back to the World Heavyweight, IC, and US Championships.
Remember the days when a wrestler held the World Heavyweight title was one of the most feared and envied wrestlers in the WWE. Well, those days are over. At this year's Wrestlemania, the opening World Heavyweight title match lasted 18 seconds. Now what does that tell you? It certainly does make the WHC seem like the second most prestigious title in the company.Now think about the US Title, whose champion is a man with a cobra sock puppet. Not only that, but it wasn't even defended at Wrestlemania. The IC Championship isn't doing so hot either, with a great wrestler as champion, but his title just seems like a little toy that he carries to the ring.
Now think about what could be happening with those titles if they had meaning to them. The World Heavyweight title matches would be towards the main event and be a solid match, and when Dolph Ziggler cashes in, it won't be just  for a belt, it will be for the second most important title in WWE.
With all of this new talent,let them win one of the titles and make the IC and US championships interesting again, so instead of filler matches on Raw and PPVs, we would have great matches across the board. So instead of the Funkasaurus or a Tuxedo match,we'll have Damien Sandow and Ryback vying for a title shot and a classic world title match towards the end of the show.

2. Stop showing recaps and Touts.
I don't really care what Danny1234 thinks about CM Punk, and I already saw CM Punk's promo from 20 minutes ago, so stop showing them to me for the extra hour you have to kill of Raw. I mean there's so many other things that could be done instead of showing meaningless videos from fans and recaps. For example, have Brodus Clay as a monster heel in a storyline similar to the Hall of Pain instead of squashing jobbers and then dancing (horribly) to "Somebody Call My Momma" or you could give Zack Ryder matches on Raw since he is one of the most over people in the company and have that fill up Raw instead of LilJimmie8743 saying how much he loves John Cena, seriously no one cares.

3.Establish a Meaningful Tag Team Division
There are at least two tag matches on every Raw, but hardly ever a tag team championship match on PPV. Why don't these tag teams work together and go after the title? Because the tag team championship is virtually meaningless, and nobody cares about it. Imagine if there was meaning to the title. We would have Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho as champs defending against Cena and Orton instead of Kofi Kingston and R-Truth competing against The Primetime Players (yawn). See much more interesting things got when you actually have legitimate stars chasing the title instead of a tag team that WWE threw together with a couple of nobodies.

4.Bring back the Divas Division
What's the point of having a Divas division if they're either not on Raw or have a one minute match? WWE has some great talent in the Divas division: AJ, Beth Phoenix, Layla, Natalya, and Eve, but what do they decide to do with them? They appointed AJ Lee as Raw GM and have Eve in some wierd, ongoing backstage storyline that makes no sense. They could have some great matches with Beth Phoenix and Eve being great heels and AJ being one of the most over people in the company. Layla and Natalya are great wrestlers, but we rarely get to see them shine. If we had a great Divas division, we would have an amazing show all around, and that's all we want as fans, interesting and entertaining shows.

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